Jeremy A. Perron's silly attempt to organize his thoughts on all the history books he has read. This is being done for reasons only he can really understand.
A review
of David Wootton’s translation Machiavelli: Selected Political Writings of
The Prince, Selections from The Discourses, and Letter to Vettori (circa
1513, The Prince) (1994, this translation)
(Rating 5 of 5)
Around ten years ago I was taking a
college course called Lying and Politics and this book was one of the
textbooks we used. I found it
fascinating then and even more so now.
Niccolo Machiavelli was a man and public servant who lived in
Renaissance Italy. He was on hand for
many historic events and met many important people. During the restoration of the Medici in
Florence he was tortured for the crime of being an official of the previous regime. After surviving his torture he would go on to
write these famous works.
introduction in this book discusses how Machiavelli’s work has been interpreted
over the centuries. There is apparently
some controversy around to what is referred to as ‘the two Machiavellis.’ They
try to reconcile the apparent contradiction of the author of The Prince,
who gives advice to rulers and would be rulers, to the author of The
Discourses, who prefers republican government. I personally do not see a real contradiction
because they are about two different things. The Prince is simply a
how-to book for a dictator that was written for a potential employer while The
Discourses is Machiavelli sharing his own view and preferences.
“In order to properly understand the
behavior of lower classes one needs to be a ruler, and in order to properly
understand the behavior of rulers one needs to be a member of the lower
classes.” (pg. 6)
am not sure this is true although subject and ruler might have a unique
perspective on the other its highly unlikely that this automatically grants them so much insight that they understand the other more than they understand themselves. I currently work in call
center, this would be like me declaring that I was an expert on the behavior of CEOs because I am regular wage employee. There are elements of the CEO’s job that I am
certain I do not understand, just as there is much about their low ranking
employees’ job that the CEO does not think about in his or her daily function.
“Is it better to be loved than
feared, or vice versa? My reply is one
ought to be both loved and feared; but since it is difficult to accomplish both
at the same time, I maintain it is much safer to be feared than loved, if you
have to do without one of the two.” (pg. 51-2)
is of course is probably Machiavelli’s most famous quote. This is the one line that captures the very
heart of The Prince. I always
thought it would be better to be loved. For if you are loved than your subjects would take your side
even when your chips were down, where as if they just feared you they may
betray you in a moment of weakness.
Machiavelli would probably point out that just because they loved you
does not mean that they would look out for their own necks primarily when they
felt that they or their interests were in danger.
Niccolo Machiavelli
We know
Machiavelli thought about rulers keeping their word. He felt it is better to be crafty than honest.
“Everybody recognizes how
praiseworthy it is for a ruler to keep his word and to live a life of
integrity, without relying on craftiness.
Nevertheless, we see that in practice, in these days, those rulers who
have not thought it important to keep their word have achieved great things,
and have known how to employ cunning to confuse and disorientate other men. In the end, they have been able to overcome
those who have placed store in integrity.” (pg. 53)
The Prince Machiavelli is giving advice on how to rule people and the
challenges one faces when ruling a people you had previously conquered. During the course of the book Machiavelli
jumps back and forth from ancient times of Alexander, Scipio, and Hannibal to
the more “modern” times of Renaissance Italy.
Machiavelli finds quite a bit to praise of ancient leaders and much to
criticize in the modern ones. He
completely chastises King Louis XII of France and his misadventures in
“Thus, Louis had made the following five
mistakes: He wasted his alliance with the lesser states; he increased the
strength of one of the more powerful Italian states; he invited an extremely
powerful foreign state to intervene in Italy; he did not go and live in Italy;
he did not establish settlements there.” (pg. 13)
The part of Machiavelli’s criticism
that I find rather weird is his insistence that a conqueror should move into
his conquered territories despite being the ruler of another place. The example that he gives is the Sultan of
Turkey moving into Constantinople, that is true but the Ottoman Empire did not
change capitals every time it expanded. Now it should be noted in Machiavelli’s
time it wasn’t that long ago that the fall of Constantinople happened. So I suppose he could be excused for the
bitter with the example of leadership that he had seen in Italy politically, he
clearly shows his anger at what Italy had been going through in his own
“The outcome has been that Italy
has, in quick succession, been overrun by Charles, plundered by Louis, raped by
Ferdinand, and humiliated by the Swiss.” (pg. 42)
When referring the types of principalities
there are he makes it pretty clear that the long established powers are the
“It is much easier to hold on to
hereditary states, that are accustomed to being governed by the family that now
rules them, than it is to hold on to new acquisitions.” (pg. 7)
do not think Machiavelli is anything here that is not obvious. It is much easier to inherit power in an
established dynasty than to go out and try to take it. Of course you would have to be born into an
established dynasty for that to occur.
Since one who seeks power is likely to have it just handed to him by
luck of birth they are required to take it and hopefully set up their own
system. Machiavelli is quick to point
out how dangerous that actually is.
“One ought to pause and consider the
fact that there is nothing harder to undertake, nothing more likely of failure,
nothing more risky to pull off, than to set oneself up as a leader who plans to
found a new system of government. For
the fonder makes enemies of all those who are doing well under the old system,
and has only lukewarm support from those who hope to do well under the new
one.” (pg. 19)
was however one ideal guy who showed the way on how to do it. When advising new rulers on the best path to
success, his ideal candidate was Cesare Borgia.
This was odd because he lost in the end.
Yet to Machiavelli, he was perfect and he served as a duel example. He was the model to follow but he also came
with a warning: that one can act perfectly and still fall due to bad luck with no
fault of your own. His power was dependent on the patronage of others and when those 'others' went away he was alone and vulnerable. Borgia was the son of the Pope. (Yeah, I know how strange
that sounds.) His father, Alexander VI,
and his ally King Louis XII of France were his primary backers and without them he had no independent power.
“So, now I have surveyed all the
actions of the duke, I still cannot find anything to criticize. It seem to me I have been right to present
him as an example to be imitated by all those who come to power through good
luck and someone else’s military might.
For since he was great-hearted and ambitious, he had no choice as to
what to do; and he only failed to achieve his goals because Alexander died too
soon, and he himself fell ill.” (pg. 26-7)
Cesare Borgia, son of the Pope
of the reason Machiavelli admired Cesare so much was how he would do what he
thought needed to be done and not only was he not hesitate, he would be in a
hurry to get it accomplished. In Machiavelli's world any bad you need to do you must do it quickly.
“Do all the harm you must at one and
the same time, that way the full extent of it will not be noticed, and it will
give least offense. One should do good, on the other hand, little by little, so
people can fully appreciate it.” (pg. 31)
also gives a hint of his populism in his next bit of advice. It is better to
become monarch at the head of a popular movement than it is to have the title
awarded to you by a small elite. This advice is a tad bit strange when you
consider his comments on Julius Caesar are in The Discourses. For Caesar is the one who comes to mind when I
hear these statements.
“He who comes to power with the help
of the elite has more difficulty in holding on to power than he who comes to power
with the help of the populace, for in the former case he is surrounded by many
who think of themselves as his equals, and who consequently cannot order about
or manipulate as he might wish. He who
comes to power with support of the populace, on the other hand, has it all to
himself.” (pg. 31-2)
In The Discourses, Machiavelli
discus the history of ancient Rome a great deal. It is embarrassing to say this especially in
light on how brilliant The Prince is, but all of his theories on Rome
are wrong. Machiavelli comes off as
complete Catoian in his views on the Roman Republic. He fails to see the Republic that could
manage a city well could not manage an empire.
He seems to think that the Republic’s downfall was due to lack of
character of the people living at the time who failed to live up to the ideals
of their ancestors.
Machiavelli was one of the most
fascinating minds of Renaissance Italy, a place not lacking at all in marvelous
minds. The father of political realist
A review of The Letters of the Younger Pliny (110-113) translated by Betty Radice (1963)
(Rating 5 of 5)
His name was Gaius Plinius Caecilius Secundus, he is comely referred to
as Pliny the Younger to distinguish him from his uncle and adopted father,
Pliny the Elder, who was a famous historian.A few of the letters the younger Pliny discuss his uncle’s work,
reputation, and famous death at the destruction of Pompeii.Pliny the Younger was an official of the
Roman Imperial government called the Principate.The Principate was the system of rule by an emperor or 'first citizen' that was established by Emperor Augustus to de facto replace the Republic. Pliny had the privilege of serving in the
best part of what was the golden age amongst golden age of the Roman
civilization: the Pax Romana in the time of the Good Emperors in the reign of
Trajan.It was not always that way for
Pliny, for was born in the time of Nero, whom his uncle despised.During his own career he also had to endure
the tyranny of the Emperor Domitian.Pliny’s survival strategy was to keep quiet and not cause problems for
anyone. He would be able to resume his
career and advancement with the coming of Nerva.
Statue of Pliny
Historically Pliny is
not important.He was a semi-important
person in his own time for he was in the Emperor’s inner circle and was
appointed to govern a province.However
this is true for a number of officials in the Empire.Although he had a nice life his
accomplishments are not of any historical significance, except that Pliny’s correspondence survives.He remembered to keep copies of his letters and publish them
years later in a series of nine books; some of these letters are to people such
as Tacitus, a famous Roman historian. After he died a tenth book was a
published that contained his communications with Emperor Trajan.Pliny is the only man of his rank and position in Roman society during this time
period whose work survives.It is Pliny
whose eyes we use to examine the Roman Empire of the Pax Romana.
The Destruction of Pompeii
Pliny enjoyed giving
advice and playing the mentor to young up and coming Roman aristocrats.He gives them advice on being a lawyer and
being a career politician.Pliny takes
their success rather personally often telling friends he is more nervous when a
young apprentice is up for election than for his own campaigns.In one letter he answers one young attorney’s
question on having been elected tribune of the people.Pliny’s answer would have horrified Cato the
Younger.Pliny explains that it depends
on how one chooses to view the office, either as a serious office or just a
ceremonial figurehead job.Pliny’s
letter shows that many, if not most, saw through the Emperor’s disguise as
‘First Citizen.’ The Republic did not exist to govern the country anymore it
was there only for show.Nevertheless
Pliny tells the newly elected tribune that when he held the job he took it very seriously.Not to mention advising others who have held
the offices that he once had.
Pliny also discusses
being a lawyer in Rome, sending copies of his speeches, advising others on
theirs, and going over funny court stories.He mentions a number of times his views on inheritance, which was the
majority of his cases.His view was what
the deceased wanted was more important than procedural law.
Pliny is also quite
taken with ghost stories telling a number of them including a time when the
ghost of Emperor Tiberius’s younger brother, Drusus Nero, haunted Pliny the
Elder.One letter that I found an
insightful to an average day in 2nd century Rome was this one:
To Minicius Funganus
"It is extraordinary
how, if one takes a single day spent in Rome, once can give a more or less
accurate account of it, but scarcely any account at all of several days put
together.If you ask anyone what he did
that day, the answer would be: ‘I was present at a coming-of-age ceremony, a
betrothal, or a wedding.I was called to
witness a will, to support someone in court or to act as assessor.’ All this
seems important on the actual day, but quite pointless if you consider that you
have done the same sort of thing every day, and still be more pointless if you
think about it when you are out of town.It is then that you realize how many days you have wasted in
"I always realize this
when I am at Laurentine, reading and writing and finding time to take the
exercise which keeps my mind fit for work. There is nothing there for me to say
or hear said which I would afterwards regret, no one disturbs me with malicious
gossip, and I have no one to blame—but myself—when writing doesn’t come
easily.Hopes and fears do not worry me,
and my time is not wasted in ideal talk; I share my thoughts with no one but my
books. It is a good life and a genuine one, a seclusion which is happy and
honorable, more rewarding than any ‘business’ can be.The sea and shore are truly my private
Helicon, and endless source of inspirations. You should take the first
opportunity yourself to leave the din, the futile bustle and useless
occupations of the city and devote yourself to literature or leisure.For it was wise as well as witty of our
friend Atulius to say that it is better to have no work to do than to work at
nothing.” (Book 1, Letter 9 pg. 42-43)
the collection of letters two are of the most famous are the ones that detail
the destruction of Pompeii.Both were to
the historian Tacitus.Pliny living at
the outer edge of Vesuvius’ reach was able, with his mother, to be one of the
lucky survivors.At the edge of the
letter he tells Tacitus that he doesn’t think the letter is history.It is hard to tell but I think Pliny is being
sarcastic.If he is not than the
statement is overly ironic.
To Tacitus
"You say that the letter
I wrote for you about my uncle's death made you want to know about my fearful
ordeal at Misenum, for I broke off at the beginning of this part of my story.
‘The mind shrinks from remembering ... I will begin.’
"After my uncle's departure I finished up my studies, I spent the rest of
the day with my books, as this was my reason for staying behind. Then I took a
bath, dined, and then dozed fitfully for a while. For several past days there
had been earth tremors which were not particularly alarming because they are
frequent in Campania: but that night the shocks were so violent that everything
felt as if it were not only shaken but overturned. My mother hurried into my
room and found me already getting up to wake her if she were still asleep.We sat out on in the forecourt of the house,
between the buildings and the sea close by.I don’t know whether I should call this courage or folly on my part (I
was only seventeen at the time) but I called for a volume of Livy and went on
reading as if I had nothing else to do.Up came a friend of my uncle's who had just come from Spain to join him.
When he saw us sitting there and me actually reading, he scolded us both—me for
my foolhardiness and my mother for allowing it. Nevertheless, I remained
absorbed in my book.
now it was dawn, but the light was still dim and faint. The buildings around us
are already tottering, and the open space we were in was too small for us not
to be in real and imminent danger if the house collapsed.This finally decided us to leave the
town.We were followed by a
panic-stricken mob of people wanting to act on someone else’s decision in
preference to their own (a point in which fear looks like prudence), who
hurried us on our way by pressing hard behind in a dense crowd. Once beyond the
buildings we stopped, and there we had some extraordinary experiences which
thoroughly alarmed us. The carriages we had ordered brought out began to run in
different directions though the ground was quite level, and would not remain
stationary when wedged with stones. We also saw the sea sucked away and
apparently forced back by the earthquake: at any rate it receded from the shore
so the quantities of sea creatures were left stranded on dry sand.On the landward side a fearful black cloud was
rent by forked and quivering bursts of flame and parted to reveal great tongues
of fire, like flashes of lightning magnified in size.
"At that point my uncle’s friend from Spain spoke up
still more urgently: ‘If your brother, if your uncle is still alive, he will
want you both to be saved: if he dead, he would want you to survive him—why put
off your escape?’ We replied that we would not think of considering our own
safety as long as we were uncertain about his. Without waiting any longer, our
friend rushed off and hurried out of danger as fast as he could.
"Soon afterwards the
cloud sank down to earth and covered the sea; it had already blotted out Capri
and hidden the promontory of Misenum from sight. Then my mother implored,
entreated and commanded me to escape as best I could—a young man might escape,
whereas she was old and slow and could die in peace as long as she had not been
the cause of my death too. I refused to save myself without her, and grasping
her hand forced her to quicken her pace. She gave in reluctantly, blaming
herself for delaying me.Ashes were
already falling, not as yet very thickly.I looked round: a dense black cloud was coming up behind us, spreading
over the earth like a flood. ‘Let us leave the road while we still can see,’ I
said, ‘or we shall be knocked down and trampled underfoot in the dark by the
crowd behind.’ We had scarcely sat down to rest when darkness fell, not the
dark of a moonless or cloudy night, but as if a lamp had been put out in a
closed room. You could hear the shrieks of women, the wailing of infants, and
the shouting of men; some were calling for their parents, others for children
or their wives, trying to recognize them by their voices. People bewailed their
own fate or that of their relatives, and there were some who prayed for death
in their terror of dying.Many besought
the aid of the gods, but still more imagined there were no gods left, and that
the universe was plunged into eternal darkness forever more. There were people,
too, who added to the real perils by inventing fictitious dangers: some
reported that part of Misenum had collapsed or another part was on fire, and
although their tales were false they found others to believe them. A gleam of
light returned but we took this to be a warning of the approaching flames
rather than daylight.However, the
flames remained some distance off; then darkness came on once more and ashes
began to fall again, this time in heavy showers. We rose from time to time and
shook them off, otherwise we should have been buried and crushed beneath their
weight. I could boast that not a groan or cry of fear escaped me in these
perils, had I not derived some poor consolation in my mortal lot from the
belief that the whole world was dying with me and I with it.
"At last the darkness
thinned and dispersed into smoke or cloud; then there was genuine daylight, and
the sun actually shown out, but yellowish as it is during and eclipse. We were
terrified to see everything changed, buried deep in ashes like snowdrifts. We
returned to Misenum where we attended to our physical needs as best we could,
and then spent an anxious night alternating between hope and fear. Fear
predominated, for the earthquakes went on, and several hysterical individuals
made their own and other people’s calamities seem ludicrous in comparison with
their frightful predictions. But even then, in spite of the dangers we had been
through and were still expecting, my mother and I had still no intention of
leaving until we had news of my uncle.
"Of course the details
are not important enough for history, and you will read them without any idea
of recording them; if they seem scarcely worth putting in a letter, you have
only yourself to blame for asking for them.” (Book 6, Letter 20 pg.171-173)
Pompeii victims: young family
Pompeii victims: fetal position
Pompeii victims: lost pet
Of all the books of
letters that were published the most important is the one when he is the
Governor of Bithynia-Pontus.There we
get a look of an emperor in communication with one of his lieutenants
throughout his empire.Pliny feels the
need to check in all the time with the Emperor, sometimes the Emperor approves
and sometimes he just tells Pliny to make a decision. Here is one letter I
found very interesting.
Pliny to the Emperor Trajan
"While I was visiting
another part of the province, a widespread fire broke out at Nicomedia which
destroyed many private houses and also two public buildings (the Elder
Citizen’s Club and the Temple of Isis) although a road runs between them. It
was fanned by the strong breezein the
early stages, but it would not have spread so far but for the apathy of the
populace; for it is generally agreed that people stood watching the disaster
without bestirring themselves to do anything to stop it. Apart from this, there
is not a single fire engine anywhere in the town, not a bucket nor any
apparatus for fighting a fire. These will now be provided on my instructions.
"Will you, Sir, consider
whether you think a company of firemen might be formed, limited to 150 members?
I will see that no one shall be admitted who is not genuinely a fireman, and
that the privileges granted shall not be abused: it will not be difficult to
keep such a small number under observation.” (Book 10, Letter 33 pg.271)
the record I have no idea what a Roman fire engine would look
like.Seems like a reasonable request
but the Emperor’s response is something downright weird.
Trajan to Pliny
"You may well have had
the idea that it should be possible to form a company of firemen at Nicomedia
on the model of those existing elsewhere, but we must remember that it is
societies like these which have been responsible for the political disturbances
in your province, particularly in its towns. If people assemble for a common
purpose whatever name we give them and for whatever reason, they soon turn into
a political club. It is a better policy then to provide the equipment necessary
for dealing with fires, and to instruct property owners to make use of it,
calling on the help of the crowds which collect if they find it necessary.”
(Book 10, Letter 34 pg. 271-272)
Talk about a paranoid
emperor.‘Don’t start a fire department
because they might from a society that will try to overthrow the Empire.’Trajan was one greatest of Rome’s Emperors
but just because you are smart in one area of life does not make you smart in
all areas.
Of all the letters in
Book 10 the one about the Christians, this probably one of—if not thee—most
analyzed letters in history.
Pliny to the Emperor Trajan
"It is my customer to
refer all my difficulties to you, Sir, for no one is better able to resolve my
doubts and to inform my ignorance.
"I have never been
present at an examination of Christians. Consequently, I do not know nature of
the extent of the punishments usually meted out to them, nor the grounds for
starting an investigation and how far it should be pressed. Nor am I at all
sure whether any distinction should be made between them on the ground of age
or I young people and adults should be treated alike; whether a pardon ought to
be granted to anyone retracting his beliefs, or if he has once professed
Christianity, he shall gain nothing by renouncing it; and if whether it is the
mere name of Christian which is punishable, even if innocent of crime, or
rather the crimes associated with the name.
" For the moment this is the line I have taken
with all persons brought before me on the charge of being Christians. I have
asked them in person if they are Christians, and if they admit it, I repeat the
question a second and third time, with a warning of the punishment awaiting
them. If they persist, I order them to be led away for execution; for, whatever
the nature of their admission, I am convinced that their stubbornness and
unshakeable obstinacy ought not to go unpunished.
" There have been others similarly fanatical who
are Roman citizens, I have entered them on a list of persons to be sent to Rome
for trial.
"Now that I have begun
to deal with this problem, as so often happens, the charges are becoming more
widespread and increasing in variety. An anonymous pamphlet has been circulated
which contains of a number of accused persons.Amongst these I considered that I should dismiss any who denied that
they were or ever had been Christians when they had repeated after me a formula
of invocation to the gods and had made offerings of wine and incense to your
statue (which I had ordered to be brought into court for this purpose along
with the images of the gods), and furthermore had reviled the name of Christ:
none of which things, I understand, any genuine Christian can be induced to do.
"Others, whose names
were given to be by an informer, first admitted the charge and then denied it;
they said that they had ceased to be Christians two or more years previously,
and some of them even twenty years ago.They all did reverence to your statue and the images of the gods in the
same way as the others, and reviled in the name of Christ.They also declared that the sum total of
their guild or error amounted to no more than this: they had met regularly
before dawn on a fixed day to chant verses alternately amongst themselves in
honor of Christ as if to a god, and also to bind themselves by oath, not for
any criminal purpose, but to abstain from theft, robbery, and adultery, to
commit no breach of trust and not to deny a deposit when called upon to restore
it.After this ceremony it had been
their custom to disperse and reassemble later to take food of an ordinary,
harmless kind; but they had in fact given up this practice since my edict,
issued on your instructions, which banned all political societies.This made me decide it was all the more
necessary to extract the truth by torture from two slave-women, whom they call
deaconesses.I found nothing but a
degenerate sort of cult carried to extravagant lengths.
"I have therefore
postponed any further examination and hastened to consult you.The question seems to me to be worthy of your
consideration, especially in view of the number of persons endangered; for a
great many individuals of every age and class, both men and women, are being
brought to trial, and this is likely to continue.It is not only the towns, but villages and
rural districts too which are infected through contact with this wretched
cult.I think though that it is still
possible for it to be checked and directed to better ends, for there is no
doubt that people have begun to throng the temples which had been almost
entirely deserted for a long time; the sacred rites which had been allowed to
lapse are being performed again, and flesh of sacrificial victims is on sale
everywhere, though up till recently scarcely anyone could be found to buy it.
It is easy to infer from this that a great many people could be reformed if they
were given an opportunity to repent.” (Book 10, Letter 96 pg. 293-295)
of the biggest debates in history was how long did it take Christianity to grow
to significant numbers.Scholars have
sharp disagreements over it and often go over this letter to make their point.
Pliny sees it as a growing problem in his province, yet he has no idea who they
are despite being a well-connected and educated statesman.Trajan’s response is more telling.
“Trajan to Pliny
You have followed the
right course, my dear Pliny, in your examination of the cases against with
being Christians, for it is impossible to lay down a general rule to a fixed
formula. These people must not be hunted out; if they are brought before you
and the charged against them is proved, they must be punished, but in the case
of anyone who denies that he is a Christian, and shall makes it clear that he
is not by offering prayers to our gods, he is to be pardoned as a result of his
repentance however suspect his past conduct may be. But pamphlets circulated
anonymously must play no part in any accusation.They create the worst sort of precedent and
are quite out of keeping with the spirit of our age.” (Book 10, Letter 97 pg.
The Emperor who is so
paranoid he does not want to see and organized fire department for fear of what
it could turn into did not think the Christians amounted to any sort of threat.Trajan’s letter is seen as evidence that most
of the early emperors prior to the Crisis of the Third Century were not
actively persecuting the Christians themselves; rather it was done at a more
local level.
Emperor Trajan, Pliny's boss who is afraid of organized firemen but not Christians.
If you are looking for some great primary source
material from antiquity it does not get much better than the Letters of the Younger Pliny.
A review of Titus
Livius’s The Early History of Rome Translated
by Aubery De Selincourt with Introduction by Robert Ogilvie (27 B.C. original,
this copy 1971)
(Rating 5 of 5)
One of the first things a person learns when studying
history is the difference between primary and secondary sources.George Washington’s war journal is a primary
source of history while a biography on Washington written in the 20th
century is considered a secondary source.When the ancient world is researched these lines become a little
blurred.For example anything written by
a Roman is considered a primary source on Rome even, like in this book, when
the author is writing about events centuries after the events happened.So this is technically primary source
material but it doesn’t feel like it.
In his
famous work Democracy in America, Alexis
de Tocqueville mentioned that America was lucky to have been born already
literate so when we research our origins we are sure of our birthright.He pointed out that Europeans when
researching their personal country’s beginnings it is hard to separate fact
from fiction.You see this in Livy’s
work as well.Livy is telling us Rome’s
origins.Yet the stories can be so
fantastic, Romulus and Remus being saved by a wolf for example, that you can
not help but be skeptical of their claims.
narrative Livy excels, his work is never boring he tells exciting stories.He even invites the reader to be skeptical at
some of the claims that get proposed for often he throws doubt on them himself;
such as suggesting that the story of King Romulus ascending to the heavens
might have been a cover for a political assassination.My favorite tale however is how King Tarquin
I selected his successor. Tarquin sees a slave boy, Servius Tullius, head catch
on fire and he remained unharmed.The
King took the boy under his wing, and when Servius grew to manhood King Tarquin arranged for the young man to marry one his
daughters. When the King was murdered by the son of his predecessor, the
Queen begged Servius to follow the King's wishes and take the crown.
The story
of Rome’s last king is one Livy’s finer stories.Livy paints a horrid tale of a man who killed
his wife and brother so he could marry his sister-in-law.He grows bitter with Servius and openly challenges him. He mocked his father's successor lowborn as a
slave’s son to his own status as a king’s son.King Tarquin II after murdering Servius takes the throne and rules as a
tyrant.Yet it was not his tyranny but rather the rape of Lucretia
by the King's son that led the people of Rome to rebellion. In that rebellion, Lucius Junius Brutus chased out the
tyrant king.
In addition to being interesting
there are times where Livy can be downright weird.I guess you can chalk up to him being a man
of his time and that time was thousand years ago.Here is a case in point observe Livy describe
the infamous Rape of the Sabine women. (That has some disturbing parallels with some political events in Nigeria in recent years.) Rome as a new city, having no women, tries
to arrange marriages with nearby towns.They are a refused so Romulus plans a party and invites their neighbors
and their daughters. While the party is going on the trap is sprung and soldiers come out and kidnap many of the young women of
marriageable age and kicked their families out of the city.
“Then the great moment came; the
show began, and nobody had eyes or thoughts for anything else.This was the Romans’ opportunity: at a given
signal all the able-bodied men burst through the crowd and seized the young
women.Most of the girls were the prize
of whoever got hold of them first, but a few conspicuously handsome ones had
been previously marked down for leading senators, and were brought to the house
by special gangs.There was one young woman
of much greater beauty than the rest; and the story goes that she was by a
party of men belonging to the household of someone called Thalassius, and in
reply to the many questions about whose house they were taking her to, they, to
prevent anyone else laying hands upon her, kept shouting, ‘Thalassius,
Thalassius!’ This was the origin of the use of this word at weddings.” (p. 44)
Now at
first there is nothing odd there, just a description of a rather disturbing
historical event.Where it gets weird is
his later statements.
“The women in course of time lost
their resentment; but no sooner had they learned to accept their lot than their
parents began to stir up trouble in the earnest.” (p. 45)
Yeah, they
just got over it.And phooey on their
parents who never got over their daughters being kidnapped.Later when the Romans and the Sabines are
about to go to war it is these women who play a Disney Pocahontas type role,
and throw themselves in between their fathers and husbands.This causes peace and much rejoicing.
The Rape of the Sabine Women, by Nicolas Poussin
One of my
favorite pieces in the book is when Livy takes shots directly at Emperor
Augustus in the form of a back-handed compliment.In Livy’s time Marcus Licinius Crassus,
grandson of the triumvir who had the same name, led a campaign against a tribe
called the Bastarnae.During the battle
he killed King Deldo in single combat.
Killing an enemy's leader in single combat entitled one to a particular honor that Crassus demanded and that Augustus was
reluctant to give.Augustus used the
excuse that since Crassus had not been the supreme commander he was therefore
denied.(During the Republic the supreme commander was the magistrate in command. In the imperial system the supreme
commander was always the Emperor even when he wasn’t there.) When it was pointed out that
said honor had not been so limited in the past and gave the example of Aulus
Cornelius Cossus, who was just a tribune.It was suddenly
‘discovered’ that Cossus had indeed been supreme commander after all.
“I have followed all previous
chroniclers in saying that Aulus Cornelius Cossus was a senior officer—‘army
tribune—when he deposited the ‘spoils of honor’ in the temple of Jupiter
Feretrius; but there is a difficulty here, for in addition to the fact that the
expression ‘spoils of honor’ is probably applicable only when they are taken by
the supreme commander from the supreme commander of the enemy, and that we
recognize no supreme commander apart from the man under whose auspices the
campaign is fought, the actual inscription on the spoils proves that Cossus was
consul when he took them.I have heard
that Augustus Caesar, founder and restorer of all our temples, enter the shrine
of Jupiter Feretrius, which he had caused to be rebuilt after many years of
neglect and dilapidation, and himself read the inscription on the linen
corselet, and I have felt, in consequence, that it would be almost sacrilege to
deprive Cossus so great a witness to his spoils as Caesar, the restorer of that
very shrine.By what error the ancient
annals and the Linen Rolls of magistrates in the temple of Moneta, cited again
and again as his authority by Licinius Macer, only record Cossos as having
shared the consulship seven years later with Titus Quinctius Pennus, is
anybody’s guess.Again, it is impossible
to shift the date of such a famous battle to the subsequent year, because
Cossus’s consulship (to assume the later date) fell within a three-year period
which, owing to famine and epidemics, there were no wars at all—indeed certain
annals of the time, as dismal as death registers, gives us nothing beyond the
names of the consuls.” (p. 291-292)
Take that
The Early History of Rome is a great
read even if its status as a primary source should somewhat be questioned.
*Name:* *The Final Reflection*
*Author: John M. Ford *
*Publication Date: 5/1984*
*Publisher: Pocket Books (Star Trek #16)*
*Page Number: 253*
And what a trailer it is! It is enough to make me post on this
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